
(24 customer reviews)


* Reference Speaker Cable



SKU: SP14.2 Category:


If you planning to purchase the 2025 O’nestian-Prime, than the SP-14.2 is the model to get for the best midrange time alignment.


Just released: SP-14.2 speaker wire!

If you are familiar with Audio Envy’s works, then you know that we strive for ultra low signal retention. Also known as energy waste.  There is benefits to this approach because the signal can behave with increased response.  AE measures lower than most competitors in capacitive waste.  However, induction is also an inhibitor of energy transfer.  It has long been the case that in order to achieve a better cap measurement, the induction measurement will un-wontedly increase….. Until today!   Audio Envy’s  SP-14 speaker cable has the lowest combination of induction and capacitance measurements of any known speaker wire on the market!   Did it result in a new level of phenomenal sound as never experienced before?  Well,,, according to our beta testers and my biased opinion, the answer is YES!   As crucial as this, what else is important?

AE exercises it’s relevancy to how music has been heard and mixed for decades.  We didn’t make a cable that only sounds good on 10 albums or a specific genre.  Designing a compatible speaker wire for a wide range of music, is the art of musicality.   There is no industry standard for this, nor is there an easy remedy.  However, decades of signal R&D along with owning a recording studio has increased our ability to use frequency based impedance, to mediate a more linear frequency transfer!  AE doesn’t offer a cable that “SEEMS LIKE IT’S CLEAR.”   Our tech doesn’t push the midrange vocals FORWARD.   Our tech doesn’t compress or roll off highs for a false sense of warmth.  We allow the electrical signal to quickly respond, so it may represent the intricate plot points that will soon be converted into air pressure. When we experience three dimensional air pressure, we experience a variation in timing, sections of smooth waves, up to tight spiky transient waves.  The spacing, the layers and timing of this information is the difference between experiencing an enriched musical structure, verses one that sounds stuck in the speaker.


AE’s  Banana and spade connectors allow for more contact with less resistance.  We are not aware of a better solution that offers performance characteristics, combined with suffice durability, at another cost or astute brand.

  • The mouth opening of our current spade is 1/4″ wide with outer diameter of 1/2″.  This will fit most posts, but please check your gear and speakers before ordering.


*SP14.2 requires a dedicated ground. Please select the length of ground wire, that will make its way to the closest available AC ground outlet.  The ground wire will come off the source side of the speaker cable, (located at your amplifier.)  If you do not have an available ground outlet we can manufacture a substitution that will tap into an existing power cord.  If you do not wish to have a dedicated ground wire, then purchase our model 34 speaker wire instead.



*1.6 pf of capacitance per ft.

*Induction of .164 uH per ft.

*Ultra low EMI ribbon design.

*Low operating temperature at 1,200 watts.

*Velocity of propagation at 88% speed of light.


*A quantity of 1x includes a +- combined cable. Please select
a quantity of 2x to accommodate the left and right speaker. 



  1. Proprietary Conductor arrangement, transfers the signal with maximum RCL efficiency.
  2. Highly pure OCC copper removes grain boundaries that cause signal distortion.
  3. Low-D Fiber insulation decreases energy loss
  4. Outer jacket allows the cable to be lighter and more flexible then extruded PVC. It looks great and serves a higher electrical purpose.
  5. Optimized signal flow provides a wider linear path through frequency impedance alignment.
  6. Copper based gold connectors are similar in conductivity to our source wire. Other metal combinations have displayed signal reflections.


24 reviews for SP-14.2

  1. Verified Customer

    William Vogeley

    Audio Envy produces perhaps the best value in interconnects and speaker cables I have tried in 20 years. Captain’s cables beat out the following in my system: Audioquest Colorado, Kimber PBJ and KCAG, , MIT, and Signal Cable Silver Resolution. In my system consisting of VPI Classic /Musical Fidelity Nova II/Audio Research LS27/Primaluna Prologue Monoblocs using PS Audio AC-5 power cables the Audio Envy Cables leave me with no reason to look elsewhere. If you are considering new cables do not hesitate!

  2. Verified Customer

    I wanted to sincerely thank you from my whole soul as I never thought that a poor audiophile like myself would ever be able to wire my system with top quality occ wiring. I am more excited than I was as a child on Christmas morning! I will be making many more purchases in the future. Thank you and bless you for providing a superior option at such a rock bottom price !”
    -m cygan

  3. Verified Customer


    I thought that they would make a difference but WOW! I didn’t think it would be so noticeable, that I would be saying my sound is now 2x better than it was!!!

  4. Verified Customer

    Hi Captain,

    Those cables are working out well. David really likes them, just as I do. Which brings me to another question. I will need another 2 sets of the NV-SP5’s.


  5. David Ratcliff

    Over the years I have assembled a pretty nice audio system with many top shelf cables. I met Captain at the RMAF audio show in Denver a few years back and he was often trying to convince me to try his cables.
    So eventually I did get a pair of interconnects to connect my line stage to my dac. I liked the fact they were lightweight and of course the purple color was good also. The sound results were equal or better to the name brand cables they replaced so I have been enjoying them ever since.
    Later I tried a few of his power cords and got the same fine results.
    Recently I decided on a lark to try the same cables from my turntable
    to my tubed phono stage. Here again I was replacing high dollar name brand cables with Audio Envy cables. Guess what? The sound was great and so I sold the name brand and put some extra cash in my pocket.
    Ok you are starting to see a trend here, right?
    More recently I saw Captain at the Axpona Audio Show in Chicago
    and he sent me a bi-wire pair of speaker cables right after the show.
    Again the brand name cables I was replacing are great sounding cables, very neutral, lots of bass slam and weighing almost 8 pounds each !
    People were always impressed with the large diameter referring to them as “garden hoses” So again I connect the Audio Envy cables and love the easy banana plugs and the lightweight. I was thinking to myself
    that I would try these little cables and then after a few weeks reconnect the originals and see what I thought. Well that was totally unnecessary.
    The AE cables sounded great right out of the box, (correction…there was no fancy expensive box like the other guys) The plastic bags was fine thank you.
    I called my audio friend, Steve over for more listening tests and to confirm what I was hearing. He is in my music club and knows my system very well. I had him bring some of his favorite recordings. He also has the same exact name brand cables I had.
    Long story short…he too loves these cables and was impressed with the detail, refinement, soundstaging etc. being heard. I was a little worried that perhaps these little cables could not deliver the big bass I had come to expect from my Revel Salon Ultima 2’s. connected by my garden hose cables . Guess what? The bass was there in spades.

    So overall let me summarize. I am not a tech talk guy so I don’t have the words used by the professional reviers in Stereophile or The Absolute Sound. I know what my ears hear and they say “get some more of these cables.” If you want to talk money and value then here is something to think about. The AE bi-speaker cables (less than $500)
    replaced the name brand cables currently listed at $3300.00.

    So that’s my experience so far. Captain can ramble on for hours boring me with all the tech talk about capacitance, electrons, blah, blah blah.
    I don’t really care about that. I am just enjoying the music a little better
    now thanks to him.

  6. Thomas Dix

    I met Captain at RMAF a few years ago. Captain was using headphones with a standard cable and with his headphone cable. I listened and heard a significant difference, yet, it was early in the show and I needed to hit the all those venues and take in all that RMAF has to offer. I returned later, listened again, heard the amazing difference, however, I am not a headphone listener, yet, Captain had power cords at promo pricing at the show and I purchased one and took it home. I loved the power cord, plugged into my amp, wow, what a step up from the well known name brand cord I had been using. The next year at RMAF, I picked up two more power cords for my preamp and CD player. A great step up for both units; my system was beginning to have me toe tapping and spending more time listening to and enjoying music. I then purchased two sets of interconnects, and I thought, wow, I must have upgraded my preamp. The AE interconnects are so much better than the name brand connectors I was previously using, now, the speaker cables are added. The sound of my system is so right, the leading edge of a guitar, the sweet sound of a saxophone, and piano are presented in a true, natural and musical way. The soundstage is large, but not faux, true. Female voice and male voices are alive and amazing. The drum kit has a tone & timbre that is so right, cymbals are natural, no electronic sheen. Also, I easily hear the differences when I make a change in an amp or a tube roll; I can hear all the midrange magic in my favorite EL34 or the top to bottom power of a KT150. Music is presented in its truest form with AE cables. The goosebumps are back.

  7. Tom Trulis

    Finally got the speaker cable. Already have 2 power cords and the interconnect. They all complement each other and I’m unsure what part of this can be attributed to a specific AE cable but it all sounds wonderful.
    Before the AE, it seemed like the music was straining to getting out.
    Now there is just a naturalness and ease that wasn’t there.

    Before you could hear a guitar or organ was playing in the background, now you can hear the melody being played by those instruments.
    This also gives each instrument more space between them.
    Voices are more three dimensional and separate from the other instruments. More nuanced and emotional.
    You feel the bass in your breastbone.
    Just more music.
    An improvement across the board.
    The equipment does disappear and this is what it should sound like.
    Very happy.

  8. Robert Flinn (verified owner)

    I’ve never given a review for any audio equipment before, but I feel like I can add some insight about these cables for other people like me who have modest systems and aren’t going to spend thousands and thousands of dollars or more on equipment. For reference my system consists of a PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell DAC/Preamp, PS Audio Stellar S300 amplifier, Tekton Design Pendragon speakers (purchased used off Craigslist) and an Emotiva ERC 3 CD player. This is the latest iteration of my system I’ve been “upgrading” for the last 2 years. During this time I’ve been using mid-line priced cables from another company that has literally hundreds of positive online reviews and I bought them based on a recommendation from a friend. After getting to my current set up, I began to think that my amp, preamp, and speakers weren’t as good as the reviews said. Maybe I needed to continue upgrading to better equipment (which wasn’t in the budget). Then I thought maybe I’d try upgrading my cables instead to see if that would help. I happened across Audio Envy at this year’s RMAF having never heard of them even though they’re in Fort Collins, CO and I’m in Colorado Springs. I didn’t buy the cables at the show because I had no idea who they were, but I went home and checked out their web site. I called Cap the next day and ordered a digital cable, O’nestian 5:3 interconnects and SP-7 speaker cables figuring there was no risk with the 45 day return policy. After giving the AE cables time to burn in, I did a head to head with my old cables. Cap’s cables were clearly better. Excellent tonality, realistic sound staging, and sounded more like real live music. I finally feel like I’m hearing the best out of the equipment I have. I don’t yet have power cables so I ordered one of them from Cap yesterday. I would say if you’re on a budget and you’re looking for a way to get the most from the system you have, give these cables a try. I really think that these cables are good enough that when I do decide to upgrade equipment again I won’t be giving them up (unless Cap makes better ones by then). I know there are lots of cable naysayers out there but the AE cables certainly were the missing link in getting my system to sound the way I thought it was capable of.

  9. Polo Chavez (verified owner)

    First off, right out of the box, they sound like I added a new component to my system. This is within half an hour of listening. I can’t even imagine how much better they’ll sound after at least 100 hours of recommended break in, because I am excited to hear the results. I was using 4TC Kable between Odyssey Khartago monoblock amplifiers, to Revel Performa 3 F206 speakers. As soon as I heard what the SP7 speaker cables could do, I am immediately convinced on getting the interconnects. I may need to take a breather, but the excitement is making me a bit impatient. I know, this may be a bit hyperbolic, but I’m serious. Shout out to a fellow Steve Hoffman forum member for the heads up. He saved the day. And thanks Captain!

  10. Steve Salmacia

    This S### is Legit! Immediate tangible results in my temporary system consisting of NAD C388 amp to B&W 702 S2 speakers. Using the 9 series speaker cables my wife said the sound was better as soon as I connected them. I wasn’t able to listen until that evening but straight away heard the increased resolution and dynamics as well as a much wider and deeper sound stage. Have you ever watched a 3D movie in an IMAX theater and had to duck at the stuff coming at you? It was kind of like that. All this from a very MidFi amp, which is not to disparage NAD whose M12 streaming preamp I now use with a Van Alstine SET400 solid state amp (currently out for minor service). I can’t imagine how good this system is going to sound when I can put the separates back in because my little integrated amp is now punching waaay above its weight class!
    Kudos to the Captain!

  11. John R Cyr (verified owner)

    Just wanted to let you know that I let the interconnects and speaker cable settle in for a week before any critical listening. Wow!!! They sound great. The cables are very smooth without lacking any details. The music just seems to flow from a silent background. I wish I had heard about you sooner before spending lot’s of money on products that don’t compete with yours especially at your prices. The best I have had my system to date! Great communication and service! Your company and products are highly recommended, Thanks!!! Very happy customer!!!

  12. AAron F (verified owner)

    I normally don’t write reviews, so I will keep this short. I run AudioEnvy power cord, interconnects, and speaker cables. They are now fully broke in, and here it is. Sonically ,they just get out of the way. I hear details in the recording that I never heard in my last cables, and the music is alive. I am very pleased and appreciate all Captain’s help. Its refreshing to deal with a company like AudioEnvy, who keeps price affordable while delivering phenomenal gear to those seeking audio perfection. Bravo..

  13. Charles Jones

    I recently purchased several of your cables from Lalit. Let me first say how transformable your cables have been my system has never sounded better it’s amazing!! Spacious holographic and just outright natural sounding. After Auditioning the power cords I proceeded to replace all the cables in my system and I couldn’t be more pleased! Definitely one of the best values in Audio! Power Cords, RCA’s, Interconnects, Xlr Balanced, Speaker cables have all been replaced with Audio Envy cables. Anyone reading this should not hesitate to try them. Grateful to you! Sincerely, Charles Jones.

  14. Timothy Jordan (verified owner)

    I just got these in a few months ago, I think I was the first customer to get the NV-SP11, as I waited a bit, and Captain said he had just improved on the NV-SP9, which is now hooked up to my system, replacing my Kimber Kable 4tc on the bottom end of my Monitor Audio silver 500’s; BIG improvement across the whole spectrum. While not completely broken in, since I only have about 20-30 hours, the sound I get just improved by a good margin. I only wish I had replaced my Kimber a long time ago, but I’m glad I waited to get these NV-SP11’s. Phenomenal performance, entirely worth the money, every dime.
    sincerely, Tim Jordan

  15. Tim Shultz (verified owner)

    I don’t know what the secret sauce is but these are really good cables.
    I went from some very expensive Acoustic Zen Hologram II to these and I am not going back.

  16. Steve Salmacia (verified owner)

    I’ve recently made some changers to our system which necessitated some longer cable runs for speakers and subs. I had previously used the NV9s which I was very happy with and reviewed back in 8/20. In speaking with Captain he mentioned that there was a new iteration of his top of the line speaker cable (now NV-SP11) so that’s what we would use. To be honest I was a bit concerned because the space in back of my cabinet is very limited and these are configured as two separate cables for each channel so a bit more challenging for routing.
    Since my last review our system has completely changed and now consists of PS Audio Direct Stream Dac/Pre, Coda #8 Amp with 250wpc upgrade, B&W 804 D3 speakers, and Shunyata Denali power conditioner. Overall a very highly resolving system and no complaints at all with the NV9 cables (except too short). For testing purposes I didn’t worry too much about routing when we received the NV11s, just hooked them up and let ’em go. Initial impressions were Meh, slightly better resolution but a bit harsh and collapsed sound stage. I remembered Captain had counseled that the previous set would need some break in time and they did open up nicely after about 50-100 hours. So we let the new ones run 24/7and waited. After about 2 days the harshness began to ebb and was completely gone by 100 hours, replaced by a lovely liquidity and resolution. This was a very surprising and welcome upgrade from the NV9s. The only problem was the sound stage, which was by this point back to the width we’d experienced with the previous cables, but still flat as a pancake. So we waited some more.
    By 200 hours the depth had come roaring back but now deeper! Additionally the separation of elements in the mix was now much more vivid and identifiable, so much so we had to start listening to all of our reference music and then start going back through our whole collection just to hear what we’d been missing! What a joy these cables have been for us! Since we now knew we’d be keeping them, I called Captain for advice regarding routing and he was very helpful with tips and ideas for our particular situation. It took a little more work than standard cables, but very much worthwhile given what we were hearing.
    I should probably mention that I have made my living with my ears for the last 40 years as a concert level piano tech/tuner and have worked with many internationally know Grammy, Oscar, and Emmy award winning artists, composers, engineers, and studios so I kind of have a clue when it comes to what things should sound like. Bottom line is these cables just sound like music! Very highly recommended.
    Again kudos to the Captain!

  17. Paul (verified owner)

    I have to admit I was a bit skeptical that upgrading my speaker cables from my Elac cables would make much of a difference. Man was I wrong. The SP-12’s completely transformed my system, I connected a Rogue Stereo 100 tube amp to my KEF LS50 meta speakers and was amazed. Much more transparent, more bass, more detail. These speaker cables are worth every penny. Now I am going to get some Audio Envy interconnects!

  18. Matt (verified owner)

    I had tried the NV-9 cables and they were very good, but maybe a bit too much excitement on the top end at the expense of bass. The SP-12 keeps that airiness up top but it’s now a very even cable across the board. Much more micro detail is getting through. Things that were only somewhat audible with the older cables become more apparent. This is a very disruptive product. Having heard some of the top cables between $1-2k and other ‘giant killers’ from the US and overseas, these are honestly the best value I have come across and aren’t just stellar for the price, they’re just stellar.

  19. Larry Mais

    Thanks Cap. I have had several different speaker cables in my music system but none has come close to your beautiful SP12 cables. More detail from the Tweeter than I thought possible. MRvellous !!! Best yet. My search for the best speaker cable is over. Thanks so much.

  20. Sylvain Turcotte (verified owner)

    I followed the advices from Stirling Trayle and Roy Gregory from the Audiobeat Magazine ( they are audio optimizer ) you better to not mismatched company cables with other or you will loose balance. I am happy that I followed that advice and bought AE Speaker cables ( for PSE 144 horns they have 4 mids and 1 compression driver each ), 4 RCAs and 4 AC cables. They really sound amazing and don’t feel the need to replace them. Everything is balanced, natural, transparent without emphasis on anything.

  21. Steve Homan

    I’m very pleased with the support received to evaluate and decide on the SP12 speaker cables. Certainly I cannot express with all the correct terms the improvement in sound I now experience. But for me it is as though the music is now brought out from being behind a curtain. Lifelike. Clear. Present. Real. Wish I had learned of and purchased from Audio Envy long ago! Great value for the price. Thanks, Cap.

  22. Captain

    SP12 has been updated to SP-14

  23. Matthew Joy (verified owner)

    Since I discovered Audio Envy Cables in 2021, I’ve used them exclusively for power cords and digital/analog interconnecting. The value/performance ratio is such that once you try Audio Envy it doesn’t really make sense to look elsewhere. Cabling matters but material/design economics tells a sensible person that it can be done at a fair price that is a fraction of your system cost and not the majority of it!

    While I’ve been mostly an Audio Envy loyalist the last four years, until the spring of 2024 that hadn’t included Envy’s speaker cables. Up until that time I exclusively used Silversmith Audio Fideliums, which are also an excellent value, but will set you back $995 for a six foot pair, and while the Fideliums offer world class performance (the same performance I’ve experienced with the AE SP14s), the Fideliums also have terminations that can only be described as brittle. Eventually I decided I needed to look somewhere else for speaker cables, but I didn’t want to compromise performance/value…Audio Envy was the obvious place to look, and when I contacted Captain he told me he had a prototype speaker cable that had measurable qualities beyond anything available in the industry. He explained that the ends terminating at the amp needed to be connected to a ground, but I had him make me a quad power with exposed ground wires, which works perfectly, and I believe most set ups can account for this grounding requirement with a modicum of creativity.

    My experience with Audio Envy Interconnects had been that they seems as close to possible as having no cabling at all…they offer an effortless, unencumbered flow….and unencumbered flow is what audiophiles should be after in cabling.

    The Silversmith Fideliums had given me this world class unencumbered flow in speaker cabling, and I’m happy to report The Audio Envy SP-14 speaker cables equal or exceed the performance of the Silversmith in a substantially more durable/practical form and at even a more affordable price. Go ahead, spend 8+ grand for lesser performing cabling from Audioquest & Friends or be smart and richer like me and other Audio Envy loyalists and acquire your cabling from the Good Captain.

  24. SHoman (verified owner)

    Well I’m not one to have and know the right audiophile jargon to describe my experience so others can relate to my experience in upgrading from the SP-12 speaker cables to the new SP-14 versions. In summary, I’d say it is as though Captain asked, “Would you like to take another strong step forward in improved, more realistic sound from your system?” And I answered, “Yes.” …and the SP-14’s delivered on that. Instruments sound more realistic, accurate and with added detail. The soundstage moved forward to more closely engage you. Info & detail in the music is heard I’d not heard before. Deep bass is cleaner. Music is almost louder as it is lifted further away from any background noise.

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